
Join us Easter Sunday and experience the hope that comes through Jesus Christ. With three worship times in two worship styles to chose from, we look forward to helping you connect to God and new friends while you’re here. Come and see for yourself what makes Sunrise Church a growing church for our growing community. We look forward to celebrating Easter with you!

Worship Times

8:30am – Worship with our Praise Band
9:45am – Worship with our Praise Band
11:00am – Traditional Worship featuring hymns and the Hallelujah Chorus led by our choir

Where are you located?

Sunrise is at the corner of Sunset Lake Road and Optimist Farm Road, near Holly Spring’s new Planet Fitness and the Sunset Ridge and Wescott Neighborhoods.

Where do I go when I get there?

Sunrise UMC has one main entrance- right into our lobby and worship space. We have reserved guest parking spots, so feel free to choose one that’s marked as such, or any other one you would like. We’re expecting a full parking lot on Easter and will have volunteers assisting outside. Our Hospitality Team will greet you when you arrive and can help you find the nursery, restrooms, or the location of Children’s Church. Just find anyone in an orange lanyard with their laminated tag and they’ll be able to help you with anything you need!

What can I expect in a worship service?

Each of our Easter services will be about an hour in length and include energetic worship, Scripture, prayer, sermon, an open-table communion, and an opportunity for our church family to be generous. Sunrise regularly welcomes many kids in worship -some who stay in the worship space, others who choose to go to children’s church or the nursery.

What about My kids?

In all their squeaky, squawky, squirminess, we love that your kids are here!  Sunrise values children participating and leading in worship and music. While you’re welcome to take your little ones to our Nursery (ages 6 weeks thru 4 years), it’s also totally OK to keep them with you.  During the sermon time, kids aged 4 years old thru second grade are invited to go to Children’s Church (Room 105) to experience God’s word in an age-appropriate, interactive way. Worship Bags and fidget toys for kids who wish to stay in worship the whole hour are available in the lobby.

What should I wear?

Sunrise UMC is come-as-you-are. You’ll see some people in suits and dresses and you’ll see others in jeans or shorts. Come dressed in the way that best allows you to connect to God and connect to others!

Can I attend if…….?

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or where you are on the spectrum of faith and doubt. Jesus (and Sunrise Church!) welcomes you to worship. Come as you are – and we’ll see you on Easter!

Have More Questions? Contact us!

Learn more about our other Holy Week Activities:

Join us for a church potluck and Holy Communion in the midst of Holy Week. We’ll begin at 6:30pm for a time of food and fellowship followed by communion.

Join us anytime between 5:30-8:30pm on Good Friday for a journey through the stations of the cross. See, taste, smell, touch, and hear the things that Jesus experienced. Plan to spend 30-45 minutes (or more, if you choose) at this come-and-go event.